رجل يدخل على أبنته فجأة فى غرفتها . لن تصدق ماذا وجد

هذه قصة حقيقية مؤلمة جدا ومؤثرة للغاية عائله اشتهرت بالتدين و التسامح وحب الخير فالاب ذاكر لربه مطيع والام فيها من خصال الدين مافيها و الأولاد كلهم متدينون كان لديهم بنت تبلغ من العمر 21 سنه لم تتزوج وكان بنت صاحبة صلاح ودين وأخلاق قدر الله قدره فماتت البنت بسكتة قلبية تقبلت هذه العائلة الأمر فقالوا إن إكرام الميت دفنه فتشاورا واتفقوا على دفن ابنتهم بعد صلاة المغرب وهي قد توفت في وقت الظهر بعد أداء صلاة المغرب ذهبوا للمقبره فدفنوها وطلبوا لها الثبات ودعوا لها ثم ذهبوا الى البيت يستقبلون العزاء وبعد صلاة العشاء أحس صاحب هذه الأسرة بالتعب فقال لأحد أبنائه اعتذر لي عن المعزين فإني مرهق وأريد النوم وأثناء نوم والد هذه الفتاة جاءت اليه ابنته وهي تصرخ وتقول ياأبتي “الحق على الحق علي” صحى الاب فزعا من فراشه ثم ذكر ورده ورجع للنوم مرة أخرى ظن أن الأمر طبيعي لأنه فقد ابنته وبعد مااستغرق وقتا ليس طويلا من النوم جاءت اليه ابنته وكررت نفس كلامها فقام فزعا وقال إن ابنتي تعذب ولكنها كانت من أهل الخير وبدأ يفكر ولم يهدأ له بال حتى ذهب الى المقبرة فماذا رأى…. مصيبه ……!!! ذهب الى قبر ابنته فوجد القبر محفور والجثة ليست فيه التفت يمينا ويسارا لم يجد أحد وكان الوقت ليلا فوجد ذلك النور من غرفة حارس المقبرة فتوجه اليه وعندما دخل الغرفه وجد هذا العامل يحاول فك الكفن من ابنة الرجل أما ماذا كان يريد بها بعد التحقيق معه كان يريد أن يزني بها والعياذ بالله … فعجبا للمسلم فهو في حماية الله حيا وميتا نسال الله العلي العظيم ان يتقبلنا ويجعلنا من أصحاب اليمين والسلام عليكم. سبحان الله . سبحان الله و الحمد لله و لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله استغفر الله العظيم يارب استرنا و ارحمنا

بالصورشاب عربى يدوس علي المصحف متحديا الله "انظر ماذا حدث له" ؟ سبحان الله

لقد تناولت عدة صحف هذا الخبر الغريب و أنتشر الموضوع أيضا على مواقع التواصل الأجنماعى مما أثار جدلا واسعا و نقاشات مختلفة بين الأعضاء و الأن دعنا نتناول معكم الخبر و الموضوع . مما لاشك فيه ؛ أن هذا الموضوع هو من الموضوعات المثيرة ، ولذا سوف اكتب عنه في السطور القليلة القادمة متمنيا أن ينال إعجابكم ؛ ويحوز على رضاكم ، // ....... فى حادثة غريبة حادثه غريبه من نوعها لشاب تونسي تحدى الله والعياذ بالله وقال انه سيضع المصحف تحت قدمه وينتظر ماسيفعله الله معه "قمه في التكبر والجهل اعاذنا الله وأياكم "وبالفعل قام هذا الشاب البالغ من العمر 20 عاما ووضع المصحف تحت قدمه انظر ماذا حدث له لقد مات الشاب نتيجة دخول الماء فى اذنه مثل الحمار سبحان الله و الحمد لله و لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله

هل تعرف ما هو سر تشابه اليابانيون والصينيون والكوريون ..؟؟

من فترة كنت بتابع فيلم صينى أو يابابى المهم خطر ببالى سبب تشابه الصينين وبحثت ع شبكة الأنترنت وطلع معى معلومتين بختلفو عن بعض فتحيرت فى سبب التشابه وما أستوضح لى السبب الرئيسى مممممم يتساءل الكثير : ما سبب أن الصينيين والكوريين و اليابانيين متشابهين ؟ لأنهم من المغول الاصليين وهكذا خلقو اجدادهم ؛ وليس كما يدعي البعض انها بسبب القنبلة الذرية وهذه سلالتهم الأصلية مجموعة الأجناس المغولية :Homo mongolicus تنقسم مجموعة الأجناس المغولية إلى ثلاث شعب، وهي : ـ المغول الأصليون بشرقي آسيا . ـ مغول الملايو وجزر الهند الشرقية . ـ الهنود الحمر بأمريكا . والفروق بين هذه الشعب الثلاث طفيفة، وتعد الشعبة الأولى أحدث صورة للجنس المغولي، تتمثل فيها أظهر صفات هذا الجنس، وهي العين المغولية أو العين المائلة، أما الصورة القديمة للجنس المغولي، فهي التي يمثلها اليوم مغول الملايو وهنود أمريكا. ويعد الأسكيمو شعبة من مغول أمريكا. والصفات العامة للجنس المغولي هي الشعر المستقيم والبشرة الصفراء والرأس العريضة والفك المتوسط البروز وعظام الخدين البارزة والأنف المتوسط العرض والقامة المتوسطة (نحو 160سم) . وعند بحثى عن هذا الموضوع وجدت كلام أخر وهو:: يقول العلماء ان عيون الاسيويين قد اتخذتشكلها اللوزي المميز لان نسيج جفونها اسمك من جفون الاجناس الاخرى مما يجعلها اكثر ضيقا. وسبب هذا هو ان الاسيويين اصلا قبائل من القطب الشمالي هاجرت منذ عشرات آلاف السنين الى الجنوب لتستوطن اسيا كلها و بعض مناطق امريكا الشمالية. و كان قد نما لهم خلال قرون التطور نسيج اضافي في باطن جفونهم ليحمي عيونهم من البرد الشديد و الرياح القارسة ووهج الثلوج الباهر في ضوء الشمس كذلك انبعجت انوفهم قليلا و ضاقت مناخيرهم لاقلال تعرض رئاتهم للرياح الباردة. ولسرعةتسخين الهواء الذي يستنشقونه. فكان هذا التشابه بينهم ناتجا من تشابه عيونهماللوزية وانوفهم المفلطحة..

اتعلم ما هو المقصود من وضعية يد هتلر بهذا الشكل ..؟؟

وضعية يد هتلر اثارت العديد من الجدل فماذا كان يقصد من اتخاذه هذه الوضعية دون غيرها تم اتباع التحية النازية في ثلاثينيات القرن الماضي وكان يراد بها أن تدل على الطاعة والخضوع لفكر الحزب النازي وقائده أدولف هتلر وتمجيد الأمة الألمانية والمجهود الحربي. جدير بالذكر أن تلك التحية كانت فريضة على المدنيين واختيارية بالنسبة للعسكريين لكنها أصبحت فريضة على العسكريين أيضاً بعد المحاولة الفاشلة لاغتيال هتلر عام 1944. للتوضيح الحركة كانت مجرد علامة وتحية للطاعة وكان يتم ترديد كلمات مثل ” يحيا هتلر” معها!

مرسيدس بصدد إنتاج أغلى سيارة في العالم

 أعلنت شركة مرسيدس عن نيتها تصنيع سيارة من الطراز S "بولمان" تتجاوز كلفتها قيمة سيارتين من طراز "رولز رويس" وتبلغ مليون دولار، لتكون أغلى سيارة سيدان في العالم.

هذا ولم يكشف بعد عن الميزات التقنية والفنية للسيارة الجديدة، ومن المعروف فقط أنها مزودة بثلاثة صفوف من المقاعد، كما أن هيكلها الخارجي سيكون مضادا للرصاص ومزودة بمحرك V12.

وتخطط مرسيدس لطرح النسخة الجديدة في الأسواق عام 2015.

وتعتزم شركة مرسيدس إنتاج 12 سيارة من هذا الطراز بتجهيزات مختلفة، وقال ديتر زيتش الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة دايملر إن: "النسخة الجديدة ستكون أفضل سيارة في العالم".

وقال تيم أوركوهارك الخبير في سوق السيارات إن: "شركة مرسيدس تحاول بهذه الطريقة التذكير بنموذجها الشهير "بولمان 600" المعروف بـ"مرسيدس بنز 100".

ومن المرتقب أن يتم عرض السيارة الفاخرة الجديدة لأول مرة في لوس انجلوس وفي مدينة غوانغتشو الصينية في شهر أكتوبر/تشرين الأول المقبل، لتنضم السيارة الجديدة إلى عائلة السيارات الفاخرة لشركة مرسيدس.

Occhio alla luna, per i musulmani inizia il Ramadan

Tra sabato e domenica si apre il mese di digiuno (e non solo). Anche in Italia, per 1,7 milioni di persone
Roma - 27 giugno 2014 - Digiuno, preghiera, purificazione. Per i musulmani inizia il Ramadan.
In ballo ci sono due date: sabato 28 o domenica 29 giugno. Per decretare l’inizio del mese più sacro del calendario islamico ci si può infatti affidare a complicati calcoli astronomici, oppure al reale avvistamento del primo spicchio di luna  e autorità diverse del variegato panorama islamico mondiale possono non concordare.
Secondo la tradizione, è durante il Ramadan che l’arcangelo Gabriele dettò al profeta Maometto le sure del Corano. E l’osservanza del digiuno, sawm, praticato in questi giorni è uno dei cinque pilastri dell’Islam, insieme alla professione di fede, all’elemosina, al pellegrinaggio alla Mecca e alla preghiera quotidiana.
Dall’alba al tramonto non è prevista solo astinenza dal cibo e dall’acqua, ma anche da tabacco, rapporti sessuali e in generale da azioni e pensieri “cattivi”. La giornata è scandita da un pasto frugale, suhur, prima dell’aurora, dalla rottura del digiuno, iftar, quando fa buio, e naturalmente dalle preghiere, compresa tarawih, recitata solo in questa occasione.
Ormai da molti anni il Ramadan si celebra anche in Italia, dove secondo le ultime stime i musulmani sarebbero 1,7 milioni, per la stragrande maggioranza immigrati e figli. E nelle città dove sono in tanti, i fedeli si organizzano per celebrare insieme ogni sera la rottura del digiuno.
La Grande Moschea di Roma, ad esempio, sarà aperta come sempre, ma nella Capitale ci saranno anche iniziative organizzate da varie comunità o associazioni. Dhuumcatu, ad esempio, dà appuntamento alla sera del 13 luglio per un iftar aperto a tutti, anche ai non musulmani, dove si celebrerà la fine del digiuno e si potrà anche seguire la finale della coppa del mondo.
Milano quest’anno il ramadan arriva dopo un lungo confronto sulla costruzione di una moschea e proprio in questi giorni dovrebbe arrivare dal Comune una bando per l’assegnazione di aree pubbliche destinate a luoghi di culto. Intanto, il Coordinamento delle Associazioni Islamiche CAIM vorrebbe coinvolgere nelle celebrazioni di questo mese anche i tanti profughi arrivati in città dalla Siria.
Ramadan Mubarak a tutti.
comments : 
Mabrouk Ali : ottima descrizione complimenti
Maati Torino : ramadan karim
Said Halim : dallaba al tramonto..ramadan moubarak

Minori. L'Italia riconoscerà la kafala, l'adozione islamica

Sì della Camera alla ratifica di una convenzione internazionale, il minore potrà arrivare in Italia e avrà un
permesso per affidamento. La Lega Nord: “È una resa all’Islam, ci mettiamo il burqa”
Roma – 26 giugno 2014- Anche l’Italia sta per riconoscere la Kafala, il principale strumento con cui nei paesi musulmani si tutelano i minori abbandonati o in difficoltà.
Il diritto islamico non ammette adozioni, perché non riconosce legami tra genitori e figli diversi da quelli biologici. Con la kafala stipulata davanti a un giudice o un notaio, però, un minore (makfoul) può essere affidato a una persona (kafil) che si prenderà cura di lui fino alla maggiore età, come farebbe un genitore.
In Italia, dove la legge non la prevede, finora la kafala è stata un problema. Ci sono volute, per esempio, le sentenze dei giudici perché alcuni kafil immigrati potessero portare i minori in Italia con un ricongiungimento familiare. E diversi cittadini italiani di origine straniera, non riuscendo a far riconoscere la kafala, rimangono all’estero per non dividersi dai loro makfoul.
Le cose stanno per cambiare. Ieri dalla Camera è arrivato infatti il primo sì (ora tocca al Senato) alla ratifica della “convenzione sulla responsabilità genitoriale e le misure di protezione dei minori”. La novità principale del disegno di legge è proprio il riconoscimento della kafala nell’ordinamento italiano, che verrà inquadrata come “affidamento o assistenza legale del minore”.
Se il bambino o il ragazzo è in stato di abbadono, la procedura per il riconoscimento passerà attraverso la commissione per le adozioni internazionali, se non è in stato di abbandono se ne occuperà il ministero della giustizia attraverso il tribunale dei minori. In entrambi i casi, le autorità italiane dialogheranno con quelle straniere e valuteranno l’idoneità della famiglia che accoglierà il minore.
Una volta riconosciuta la kafala, il minore potrà entrare in Italia e gli verrà rilasciato un “permesso di soggiorno per assistenza legale” della durata di due anni rinnovabile per periodi di uguale durata se ci sono ancora i requisiti. Quando compirà diciotto anni, potrà convertirlo in un permesso per motivi di studio,di accesso al lavoro o di lavoro come succede oggi per i minori stranieri non accompagnati.
Ieri  alla Camera il disegno di legge è passato grazie ai voti di tutti i partiti, tranne la Lega Nord. Il deputato del Carroccio Luca Rondini ha parlato di “resa nei confronti di una religione che si e' dimostrata incompatibile con i principi su cui si fondano le democrazie occidentali”, mentre il suo collega Luca Buonanno, appena eletto all’Europarlamento, ha promesso che per protesta si presenterà a Strasburgo indossando un burqa.
comments : 
Laura Di Jack : Vergogna. Allora avranno anche diritto al femminicidio? Se continuiamo così davvero la finiremo davvero male. E arrivera anche il momento in cui convertiranno San Pietro in una moschea e il vaticano in una Medina? Questo è il risultato di voti fatti a certi partiti. ..
Manuel Il Cosacco Fantoni : ricordate...questo è solo l' inizio, l prossime adozioni saranno quelle gay...
Andrea Nezahualcoyotl Bianchi : Nell'Islam é lecito sposare bambine di 7/8 anni questa legge permetteranno questa pratica anche in territorio italiano.... siamo al medioevo ormai o anche molto prima...
Francesco Bonfiglio : Oramai l'Italia è un paese islamico e sarà abitata da musulmani...
Simone Trevisanato  : A chi si lamenta chiedo hai mica votato pd?se la risposta è si ,è inutile lamentarsi questo è solo l'inizio vedremo la rovina del nostro paese nel giro di pochi anni,come già successo in tutti gli stati dove il comunismo è arrivato .ma voi continuate pure a votarli e a credergli
Marco Giurgola : " E diversi cittadini italiani di origine straniera, non riuscendo a far riconoscere la kafala, rimangono all’estero per non dividersi dai loro makfoul."..........se sono "cittadini italiani di origine straniera" vuol dire che sono stranieri a cui abbiamo dato la cittadinanza, quindi all'estero significa a casa loro. POVERA ITALIA 
Raouf Mariuma : Roberto zêta il sarei la razzista ma fammi il favore se il sarei razzista km d'ici te non vivrei in un paese musulmano tu sein razzista non d certo io e cn qst kiudo ciao

اتفاق بين طيران "الإتحاد" و"اليطاليا" لشراء 49 في المئة من رأسمالها

الخميس, 26 حزيران/يونيو 2014 11:14

اتفاق بين شركتي اليطاليا والاتحاد الإماراتية حول خطة إنقاذ للشركة الإيطالية وأسفر مسلسل المفاوضات الطويل ، الأربعاء عن إعلان اتفاق تشتري شركة طيران الاتحاد الإماراتية بموجبه 49 بالمئة من رأسمال الشركة الإيطالية.

اعلنت شركتا الطيران الايطالية "اليطاليا" والاماراتية "الاتحاد" في بيان مشترك انهما توصلتا الى اتفاق لشراء الاتحاد 49 في المئة من رأسمال الشركة الايطالية، وذلك في ختام مفاوضات شاقة استمرت اشهراً.
وقال البيان ان "اليطاليا والاتحاد تؤكدان انهما توصلتا الى اتفاق حول شروط الصفقة التي ستشتري بموجبها شركة طيران الاتحاد نسبة 49 في المئة من رأسمال اليطاليا".
واوضح البيان أن الشركتين "ستضعان في الايام المقبلة اللمسات الاخيرة على ترتيبات العقد"، لافتاً الى أن "الصفقة لا تزال تحتاج لموافقة سلطات المنافسة".
ولم تسرب الشركتان اي تفاصيل عن جوهر الاتفاق. ويبدو ان المفاوضات بين الشركتين التي انطلقت في نهاية العام الماضي، تعثرت في الاونة الاخيرة حول عبء الديون الضخمة المترتبة على "اليطاليا" وعمليات الغاء الوظائف (تسريح نحو 2200 موظف من اصل 12800 شخص) التي يتعين على "الاتحاد" الموافقة عليها.

Immigration reform effectively dead until after Obama leaves office, both sides say

 June 26 2014

The two-year attempt to push immigration reform through Congress is effectively dead and unlikely to be revived until after President Obama leaves office, numerous lawmakers and advocates on both sides of the issue said this week.
The slow collapse of new border legislation — which has unraveled in recent months amid persistent opposition from House Republicans — marks the end of an effort that Democrats and Republicans have characterized as central to the future of their parties. The failure also leaves about 12 million illegal immigrants in continued limbo over their status and is certain to increase political pressure on Obama from the left to act on his own.
Some of the most vocal proponents of a legislative overhaul say they have surrendered any last hope that the parties can reach a deal. The realization marks a low point for advocates who mounted the first serious immigration push since 2007, when the Senate defeated a bipartisan effort under then-President George W. Bush.
Obama called immigration reform his top priority for his second term, and many GOP leaders suggested after the president’s reelection in 2012 that a deal was necessary for the party to broaden its appeal to Latinos.
But after a year of cajoling, prodding and berating House Republicans, leading advocates acknowledge that time has run out. Friday marks a year since the Senate approved a comprehensive immigration bill on a bipartisan vote, with no progress evident in the GOP-controlled House and few working days left in the year to approve legislation.
“Nothing’s going to happen,” Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Ill.) said in an interview after denouncing his GOP colleagues as inactive in a fiery House floor speech this week. “My point of view is, this is over. . . . Every day, they become not recalcitrant, but even more energetically opposed to working with us. How many times does someone have to say no until you understand they mean no?”
Chances of legislation advancing in the House are “next to zero,” said Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), a member of a bipartisan group of eight senators who led reform efforts in the chamber.
“It’s a shame,” he added. But after talking to GOP colleagues in the House, “there’s just no appetite for it right now.”
Hopes for a broad immigration deal already had dimmed considerably by this spring. But the Obama administration and its Democratic allies believed, based on signals from House Speaker John A. Boehner (Ohio) and other GOP leaders, that there was a final window for possible agreement this summer before the midterm elections.
Two recent developments, however, doomed whatever chances remained, advocates and lawmakers said. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) lost a primary election this month to a tea-party-backed challenger who ran on a strong anti-immigration platform. In addition, a new crisis erupted on the Mexican border, as tens of thousands of unaccompanied Central American children were apprehended crossing illegally into Texas over the past several months.
House Republicans have cited both situations as evidence that the time is not right for a bipartisan deal that would provide legal status, and potentially citizenship, to millions of illegal immigrants. Many also have stepped up their rhetoric on the issue, blaming the administration for the border crisis and saying Obama has not convinced them that he will adequately enforce immigration laws.
Several House Republicans suggested at a hearing this week that the United States should, among other things, cut off all economic aid to Mexico until the border is secure, build hundreds of miles of new fencing to help prevent more illegal immigration and immediately put the children arrested by Border Patrol officers on buses back to their home countries.
“I think what you need to do is ask the Guatemala government where they want these kids dropped off when the buses bring them back down there,” Rep. Mike D. Rogers (R-Ala.) told Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson at the hearing.
In addition to considering Obama’s border policies lax, Republicans also object to his 2012 decision not to deport young immigrants who were brought to the country illegally by their parents. Boehner said this week that House Republicans intend to sue the president over his use of such executive powers.
“If the administration were serious about enforcing the law, they would not take the law into their own hands and repeatedly find ways to not enforce the law,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) told reporters at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast Thursday.
Asked later about the prospects for immigration reform this year, Goodlatte said, “The environment for doing this is exceedingly difficult.”
White House officials acknowledged this week that they have seen no signs of movement on immigration from House Republicans in recent weeks. The president is likely to face a shift in tactics among immigrant advocates, who will renew demands that he use his executive powers to further stem deportations.
Obama rebuffed such calls from Democrats and advocacy groups in the spring, asking that they present a united front against House Republicans through the end of July, which he described as the final window of time for a potential breakthrough. He delayed an internal review of deportation policies at the Department of Homeland Security until after the summer.
Asked this week whether House Republicans had responded to that opportunity, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said, “Sadly, no.”
“Unfortunately, right now I think the early indications are not very good for a lot of progress on this front,” he said. “For a year, there has been a very clear template . . . but House Republicans at every turn have blocked any sort of progress.”
Frank Sharry, executive director of America’s Voice, a leading immigrant rights group, predicted that pressure on Obama would “increase significantly in July” because advocates have lost hope in the legislative process.
Boehner has named a working group of seven GOP members to monitor the administration’s response to the border crisis involving unaccompanied children. He said the group will report back to him after the Fourth of July holiday recess with suggestions for potential changes in the law.
But even if Boehner were to revive House efforts to pursue legislation, the calendar leaves precious little time.
The House is in session for four weeks until the five-week summer recess that starts in early August. After that, there are just 10 legislative days in September — probably devoted to a host of complex fiscal issues, including a new highway bill and a measure to keep the federal government open when the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1. The House has two legislative days scheduled in October, but those sessions could be canceled to allow members to spend more time at home campaigning for the midterm elections.
The potential of an electoral upheaval leaves the lame-duck session after the midterms fraught with uncertainty. Members of both parties suggest that it is highly unlikely that immigration reform could be restarted next year, when the early stages of the 2016 presidential campaign takes shape.
Democrats have signaled that they will continue pushing Republicans to act. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and other Democrats rallied Thursday morning to once again make their case, repeating justifications for the legislation that they have used repeatedly for the past two years.
At a breakfast Wednesday held by the Wall Street Journal, Sens. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) — two sponsors of the Senate immigration bill — acknowledged that the chances of House legislation are exceedingly slim.
“I can’t tell you we have a great shot at it,” said McCain, who was his party’s 2008 presidential nominee. “But I know the consequences of failure.”
comments :
Michelle Harte : Vote every Democrat Liberal out that supports amnesty and the destruction of America!
Chairman of the Board : With no interest in education, culture, laws, language, customs, civic responsibility, nothing. Just yobs and living in ethnic enclaves within towns and cities from there on, no transition to becoming American. This isn't what immigration is supposed to be. The compact of immigration is that you do what's necessary in due time to become a functioning and contributing citizen of that country that allowed you entry. Not so with the current crop of illegal or even the legal immigrants . They just want a yob and to live their lives as if they were back in their native country. To allow this, as we apparently do, is nothing short of national suicide.. 
We are being invaded by people from foreign countries and our elected leaders want to make them citizens instead of repelling the invasion... 
corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle are very close to achieving success. If Obama has his way the next president of the USA will be from Mexico.. 
Just think about the DHS solution on how to stop millions of illegals from flooding into America.... to allow millions of illegals to become U.S citizens..

StephAvery : "With no interest in education, culture, laws, language, customs, civic responsibility, nothing. Just yobs and living in ethnic enclaves within towns and cities" - just living in gated communities in the x-burbs and fearing everyone else who is not Anglo-Saxon and fitting their own discription of who is an American - nothing short of national suicide.

freshtake : Khadijah1: SHORT answer- NO. White Folks don't work for any amount of money where I live in California; The Southern San Joaquin Valley- home to the largest Ag producing counties in the Nation. My county alone produced 12BILLION in profits last year. California ag jobs pay far more than the minimum wage here- many up to $10-12 dollars per hour. If you doubt- I will invite you here then we can tour the fields and packing sheds and processing plants; been here since the 60s and so far you fantasy of "If we pay enough, Americans will take the jobs- just ain't so- dearie."

Democratic lawmakers propose lawyers for immigrant children

WASHINGTON Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:26pm
- Democratic U.S. lawmakers announced legislation on Monday that would provide lawyers for thousands of undocumented minors streaming across the border into the United States, saying forcing children to face deportation proceedings alone goes against fundamental American values.
"It is a fantasy to believe that they have a fair shot in immigration proceedings without counsel," New York U.S. Representative Hakeem Jeffries told a news conference.
Jeffries and the other House of Representatives Democrats introducing the bill said as many as 40 to 50 percent of the undocumented children would have legitimate claims to remain in the United States under current law, citing studies by the United Nations and other agencies.
They also said their bill could save some $2 billion a year because timely immigration proceedings would eliminate the need to house thousands of children for months at a time.
From October to June 15, 52,000 unaccompanied children arrived on the U.S. border with Mexico, according to the Obama administration. Most are fleeing gang and drug violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
A similar provision to provide legal counsel for children and mentally impaired immigrants was included in a comprehensive immigration bill that passed the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate last year. But the measure has stalled in the House, where Republicans hold a majority of seats.
There was no immediate indication that the new bill would make any more progress, given deep partisan divisions on the immigration issue in the United States.
Many Republicans blame the influx of undocumented children on Democratic President Barack Obama's 2012 decision to give temporary relief from deportation to some young people brought illegally to the United States by their parents.
"(These parents) have been led to believe that all their child has to do is get to America and they will receive amnesty," Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz said on Monday after touring a facility at Lackland Air Force Base to house unaccompanied minors, exposing children to "unspeakable horrors" as they travel through Mexico to the United States.
"The way to act to prevent that is to enforce our laws and stop engaging in the lawlessness that has so characterized the Obama administration," Cruz said.
The White House announced a plan on Friday to address the growing crisis that focused on expanding the government's ability to process and deport the children, with new funding to boost security in their home countries.

Democrats at the news conference on Monday said they considered Obama's plan just a first step.

Feds: Immigrant center to expedite deportations

Posted on June 26, 2014 at 7:36 PM
ARTESIA, N.M. (AP) -- A detention center being opened in southeastern New Mexico to deal with the surge in women caught crossing illegally with children into the U.S. from Central America will be focused on deporting the immigrants quickly, officials said Thursday.

During a media tour of the austere barracks at a federal law enforcement training center turned immigration jail, a senior U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official said the goal is to process the immigrants and have them deported within 10 to 15 days to send a message back to their home countries that there are consequences for illegal immigration. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to talk publicly citing agency policy.

About a month ago, border patrol agents were suddenly overwhelmed by thousands of Central American immigrant children and women seeking to enter the U.S. Because officials had run out of room at holding facilities, they began releasing immigrant families and requiring them to report back within 15 days.

With this new facility, women found crossing with children will not be released, but held and quickly processed, a step toward returning the department to its policy of not releasing families and deporting those who don't have permission to enter the U.S. legally.

Artesia Mayor Phillip Burch said he was told by federal officials that the detention center will likely be in operation for six months to a year, although he thinks it could stay open longer than that.

Last week, the Obama administration announced plans to convert the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center into one of several temporary sites being established to deal with the influx of women and children fleeing gang violence and poverty in Central America.

Border Patrol agents have apprehended more than 52,000 immigrant children crossing the border alone since October.

President Barack Obama has called it a humanitarian crisis, warning parents of the dangers of sending children with smugglers.

"Do not send your children to the borders," he said in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday. "If they do make it, they'll get sent back. More importantly, they may not make it."

The Artesia center will only house children caught traveling with their mothers or other female relatives. Unaccompanied minors will continue to be turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services.

The center will hold nearly 700 people in a barracks-style setting, with 30 rooms per building, four bunk beds per room. Each of the three buildings will have one room as playground and one for medical staff.

The buildings have a refrigerator that will be stocked with water, milk and fruit so the children will be able to eat whenever they want. There will be toys, video games and televisions for the kids. And once an 8-foot fence is erected, the children will be allowed to play outside. They may even build a soccer field, the official said.

Some have questioned the amenities, saying they will only encourage immigrants who are desperate for a better life to try to come back.

News of the detention center opening in Artesia has stirred up fear and anger among some residents who worry about possible illnesses, a lack of resources and dramatic changes to this small, close-knit city in the middle of oil and gas country.

Others criticized the federal government's response.

"What we should do is take them to the Air Force base, put them on a plane escorted by two fighter jets and send them back, and come back for the next group," said Collier Allan, 62, who lives near the training center.

Burch said some residents were worried about unvaccinated children and some immigrants possibly trying to escape. But he said federal doctors plan to evaluate all immigrants upon entry and then again 48 hours later to ease concerns over diseases.

The federal agency said all the immigrants will be checked for criminal records, and that the officers who will do the interviews are trained to identify criminals.

Asked if it felt like a new prison was opening up in the city, Burch said "to some degree."

"But the people here are women and children ages infant to 17. They are not hardened criminals," he said.
Associated Press writer Russell Contreras in Albuquerque, N. M., contributed to this report.

© 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


dirtbag1958 : GOOD!!! The Faster ICE DEPORT ALL illegal immigrants the BETTER OFF for UNITED STATES.

                          : now this IS A PHONEY SCANDAL !!
King Clutch:  ima-Ilis Myka Ashanti wrote:

Consiglio d'Europa: "Tolleranza zero per le vite perse in mare"

“Servono canali sicuri per l’Europa e più risorse per i salvataggi. Per gli scafisti bisogna creare un nuovo reato internazionale, se la nave è pericolosa commettono un crimine contro l’umanità”
Strasburgo – 26 giugno 2014 – Con l’adozione di una risoluzione sul tema “La barca lasciata a morire: azioni e reazioni”, martedì scorso l’Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d’Europa, riunita in sessione plenaria a Strasburgo, ha riconosciuto l’importante lavoro degli Stati membri, in particolare dell’Italia, volto a salvare un numero maggiore di vite in mare. Tuttavia, l’Assemblea ha affermato cherimangono ancora delle preoccupazioni, “tra cui l’incapacità di comunicare, individuare e ammettere la responsabilità e imparare la lezione”.

Il testo adottato, basato su un rapporto di Tineke Strik (Paesi Bassi, SOC) chiede “tolleranza zero per le vite perse in mare”, consigliando standard chiari, vincolanti e comuni per le operazioni di ricerca e salvataggio (SAR) e per lo sbarco, un ulteriore impegno nell’assistere gli Stati costieri ad accrescere le risorse per le operazioni SAR e porre fine a tutti i disincentivi per le navi private a condurre i salvataggi. L’Assemblea ha inoltre chiesto la creazione di canali legali sicuri per l’Europa attraverso l’armonizzazione delle procedure di asilo comuni e la solidarietà.

Un secondo rapporto di Christopher Chope (Regno Unito, EDG) sul tema “l’arrivo di massa di flussi migratori misti sulle coste italiane”, discusso congiuntamente con il rapporto di Strik, ha elogiato “il miglioramento del lavoro condotto dalle autorità italiane nel rispondere alle emergenze”, in particolar modo tramite l’operazione Mare Nostrum. Tuttavia, ha sottolineato il fatto che vi sono ulteriori sfide strutturali nelle politiche migratorie italiane ed europee che necessitano un’azione immediata per adeguare il sistema a tale scopo.
Il testo adottato chiede alle autorità italiane di attuare una serie di misure per affrontare gli arrivi migratori misti e rispondere alle esigenze di accoglienza, umanitarie e di protezione nel lungo periodo.

Il testo sottolinea in particolare la necessità che le autorità italiane garantiscano un sistema affidabile, equo e trasparente per identificare i migranti subito dopo il loro arrivo, e intensifichino i loro sforzi per identificare, arrestare e processare i trafficanti. Inoltre chiede alle autorità europee di ridefinire le loro politiche e le normative in materia di immigrazione e di sostenerle con mezzi finanziari e operativi adeguati.

I parlamentari hanno accolto con favore l’annunciata priorità data dalle autorità italiane allo sviluppo di una risposta europea comune agli arrivi di flussi migratori misti sulle coste meridionali europee nel corso della prossima Presidenza del Consiglio dell'Unione europea.

L'Assemblea ha inoltre raccomandato che il Comitato dei Ministri prenda in considerazione l’inserimento di un nuovo reato internazionale, possibilmente definendolo come un crimine contro l'umanità, quando una persona riceve un beneficio finanziario per il trasporto di persone su una nave che è pericolosa per quello scopo e quindi questo può causare morte o lesioni in mare. Si deve anche considerare la necessità di una estesa revisione del regolamento di Dublino e della sua attuazione.

مايكروسوفت تطرح هاتف نوكيا الذكي بنظام أندرويد

قدمت شركة مايكروسوفت أمس الثلاثاء، جهاز "نوكيا X2"، الذي يعد أحدث هواتفها الذكية بعد اتمام صفقة الاستحواذ على شركة نوكيا.

ويعتبر " X2" نسخة معدلة من الهاتف "نوكيا X"، وتستهدف به الشركة أصحاب الميزانيات المحدودة، وهو ما يبدو من مواصفات الجهاز.

وللجهاز شاشة بحجم 4.3 بوصة، وذاكرة بسعة 1 غيغابايت، مع سعة تخزين داخلي 4 غيغابايت قابلة للزيادة ببطاقات الذاكرة حتى 32 غيغابايت.

ويتميز الجهاز الجديد بكاميراتين، خلفية بدقة 5 ميغابكسل وأمامية بجودة "VGA"، ومعالج ثنائي بسرعة 1.2 غيغاهرتز.

ويعمل " X2"، الذي يدعم العمل بشريحتي اتصال، بنسخة معدلة من نظام أندرويد من تطوير شركة نوكيا.

وحرصت مايكروسوفت على تزويد الجهاز بمجموعة من تطبيقاتها مثل "سكايب" و"أوت لوك" وتطبيق الخرائط "هير مابس"، وخدمة التخزين السحابي "وان درايف".

كما أتاحت للمستخدم تحميل المزيد من تطبيقات عبر متجر "نوكيا ستور"، بالإضافة إلى تنزيل تطبيقات من متاجر أخرى.

ومن المقرر أن يتوافر "نوكيا X2" في الأسواق الشهر المقبل بسعر 99 يورو، أو ما يعادل 135 دولار.

Swiss referendum calls for introduction of immigration quotas

A referendum held in Switzerland has narrowly backed the introduction of tighter immigration controls. 50.3% of those who voted supported the introduction of the controls and, according to the Swiss system of direct democracy where referendums are binding, the controls must now be introduced. 

The result was announced on Sunday 9th February 2014. It came as a surprise because polls had predicted that the 'no' vote would win fairly comfortably. The vote was instigated by the right wing UDC party. The Swiss government and industry bodies had urged Swiss voters to vote against the motion.
The vote seems to have been split with voters in urban areas supporting the government's line while rural voters voted predominantly to limit immigration. The Swiss justice minister Simonetta Sommaruga told journalists 'This is a turning point, a change of system with far-reaching consequences for Switzerland'.

Swiss in breach of treaty with EU

Ms Sommaruga is right. The 'yes' victory raises the possibility that the European Union will introduce sanctions against the country because the new law will limit the freedom of EU citizens to live and work in Switzerland putting the Swiss in breach of a treaty with the EU.
Switzerland is not a member of the European Union but is surrounded on all sides by countries which are. Over 50% of its trade is done with the European Union and most of the 90,000 immigrants who enter Switzerland every year come from the EU.
Over one quarter of the population is now made up of immigrants, many of them EU nationals from Germany, France and Italy.

Switzerland in Schengen Area

Switzerland is even part of the EU's Schengen Area, an area comprising 27 countries which have abolished internal border controls.
The referendum vote will make it very difficult for the country to remain part of the Schengen Area as the Swiss would need to check passports at the border to ensure that those wishing to enter had the right to do so.
The European Commission's initial reaction was negative. A spokesman said that the EC 'regretted' the outcome and said 'this goes against the principle of free movement of people between the EU and Switzerland'.

'The single market is not a Swiss cheese'

By lunchtime on Monday 10th February, the European Commission response was becoming increasingly feisty. Vice-president of the Commission Viviane Reding told The Financial Times 'The Single Market is not a Swiss cheese. You cannot have a single market with holes in it'.
She told BBC Radio 4's Today breakfast program on 10th February 'you (Switzerland) cannot have pick and choose, because it is a package of seven agreements to give access to the internal market…it is a whole package they have signed up to'.
Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament had a similar message for the Swiss. He told journalists, 'one thing is clear: you can't take advantage of a big European internal market and stay outside [on] other questions at the same time. This is what we have to discuss with Switzerland now'.

'EU-Swiss relations come as a package'

Hannes Swoboda. An Austrian MEP who is the leader of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, told journalists 'For us (the European parliament) EU-Swiss relations come as a package.
If Switzerland suspends immigration from the EU, it will not be able to count on all the economic and trade benefits it is currently enjoying. We will not allow…cherry-picking'.
Even though the margin of victory could barely have been narrower, it is being seen as significant in many areas of Europe. Immigration is a big issue in many countries, not least in the UK where the Coalition government is trying to get the European Commission to agree to limit the free movement of people throughout the Union. Public disquietInterviewed on BBC Radio 4's lunchtime news programme The World at One, Yves Nidegger of the UDC said that the referendum result had been caused by public disquiet at the free movement agreement with the EU. He said that the agreement had been signed in 2006.
Since then, the population of Switzerland has grown by one million from 7m to 8m as the Swiss can no longer regulate its own population he said
Mr Nidegger said that the UDC had thought through its policy before calling for immigration quotas.
He said that he would expect senior figures in the European Union establishment to threaten sanctions but said that the policy against Switzerland would be up to the member states. He said that he thought that the British and Dutch in particular would support the Swiss. 'Dire consequences'He4 said that he thought that the reason why the European Commission had warned Switzerland of the apparent "dire consequences" of bringing in immigration quotas was to try to discourage further attempts to limit free movement within the EU.
He said 'I don't think that the whole ideal of free movement is going to die tomorrow but I think it (the referendum vote) will be welcomed as an opportunity to have some limits (on free movement).
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